Product Designer

Jan 2020 - Apr 2021

Help and Inspire Users

Supercharge your search experience with tiket Global Search!

Overview doesn't have a Global Search feature yet, and according to our product roadmap this year, we want to help our users to find and inspire their next travel faster and better.

But, on our research journey, we found that users not only use the search feature for searching for something but also look for inspiration.

In this project, we want to help users to find their explorations about inspiration or products while giving reliable offers that might match them.

Benchmark of Global Search

Benchmark of Global Search

As we said, we don't have a Global Search feature yet. So we decide to do a benchmark or competitive analyst of our direct competitors to get to know better about the current user behavior.

Global Search is expected not only to help to perform search but also to inspire by providing recommendations

Keywords users possibly search on global search

Based on our findings, here are the main keywords that are often used by our users. We separate it into three groups: Very important, important, and less important. And we also group it into our product verticals to inform the team.

Possibilities of user objective

Based on our findings, we found that users not only use the search features for searching for things but also for finding inspiration. So we separate the user into two objectives: Direct searching & Search for inspiration.


I believe a framework can boost collaboration and efficiency by streamlining the communication process and providing clear standards and direction. In this project, we create a framework called Diamond. There are 3 steps of this framework: Starting → Exploring → Finding.

Design Proposal

We are now sure about what to do with the screens. And here are our design proposal for the Global Search project. Mostly we separate it into 2 versions: The before and After Discover project.

This is an Entry Point for Global Search from our Homepage. We create alternating text related to our slogan and our vertical products such as Staycation in Bandung, Event in Jakarta, Flight to Surabaya, etc.

Global Search Landing Page

Landing Page / Compare to direct competitor

Type 3 Letters

Type 3 Letters Compare to direct competitor

Type Destination Name

Type Destination Name Compare to direct competitor

Type Facility Code (eg: Airport Code, Train Station Code)

Type Facility Code Compare to direct competitor

Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned

In this project, I learn much about how we can collaborate effectively with engineers and the data team to provide reliable results for our users. Without reliable results, our search engine will be useless.

This project is still in the development phase and will be available on apps in the next several months! I will update again this article showing the data usage results and will compare it to our usability testing!

In this project, I learn much about how we can collaborate effectively with engineers and the data team to provide reliable results for our users. Without reliable results, our search engine will be useless.

This project is still in the development phase and will be available on apps in the next several months! I will update again this article showing the data usage results and will compare it to our usability testing!

In this project, I learn much about how we can collaborate effectively with engineers and the data team to provide reliable results for our users. Without reliable results, our search engine will be useless.

This project is still in the development phase and will be available on apps in the next several months! I will update again this article showing the data usage results and will compare it to our usability testing!